18D NLS bioresonance device-auto therapy

  • Wendy
  • January 01, 2025
  • 74
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  • 18D NLS  bioresonance device-auto therapy

Its specialty is auto therapy, the treatment of organs and tissues selected for examination is done with the push of a button, if we choose this option. Of course, the process can be monitored and a comparative analysis can be performed at the end of the treatment.

The bioresonance NLS measurement examines the current health status of the body. The organs and tissues are displayed at the cellular level, and the results are presented in an understandable form, using images and descriptions.

It is possible to examine the entire body and energy system, but we can also assess individual organs and areas.
In the case of a complete examination, the state of the nervous system, hormonal system, vascular system, digestive system, respiratory system, movement system, excretory system, reproductive organs, skin, hair, etc. is assessed.
If necessary, it is also possible to examine at the DNA level.

During the examination, inflammation and infection foci, pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi) that burden the body, heavy metals, chemicals, allergens, etc. can be detected.

With the help of the device, we can determine whether a given nutritional supplement has a good effect on a given organ or area (vegeto test).

What is the Bioplasm device good for?

The purpose of the NLS examination and treatment is to perform the cellular regeneration and healing of organs and tissues.

We find the cause of the problems and treat them with the help of the machines, whether these problems are on a physical level, or on an energetic or mental level.

We can perform a health risk analysis, find the initial signs of diseases that will develop within 3-5 years and prevent their development.

With regular treatment, we help maintain health.

We can treat painful areas (e.g. joint pain, muscle strain, etc.).

We can relieve inflammation and pain anywhere in the body, even in chronic cases.

We can treat acute situations, e.g. colds, pneumonia, etc.

It can be used as a stand-alone treatment, but it can also complement any other therapy.

The basic treatments of the device include meta therapy, which works on the principle of bioresonance and restores the healthy state of organs, tissues, and energy systems.

A built-in treatment method is also mineral and herbal therapy, in which we can treat with the specific vibration of the given mineral or herb. The machine also helps in selecting the appropriate mineral and herb for the organs. After completing the therapies, we can make a comparative analysis to determine the degree of improvement. The results can be saved and printed.


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